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All These Names Start to Sound the Same...

If you're in the military - or a civilian for that matter - you may be incessantly barraged by the same old tired buzz words and catch phrases. They all start to sound the same. Unfortunately, AHP Volunteers fears the same to be true regarding American Heroes Park. So, without further ado, we present to you the authoritative AHP lexicon/glossary/terms of reference!

American Heroes Park: the City of Bellevue park located on the north side of Mission Ave, just before crossing the bridge. It is the former site of the Kramer Power Plant; and is separate and distinct from Haworth Park (on the south side of Mission Ave). Sometimes abbreviated "AHP".

AHP Volunteers: the group of dedicated residents who adopted AHP via Bellevue's Adopt-A-Park program; and organize volunteer/community service opportunities to care for the park.

Heroes' Plaza: the future plaza located in the north half of the park, on the south side of the cul de sac. Although it's in the design phase, we anticipate an area within the plaza for each military service (USA, USAF, USCG, USMC, USN) and first responders (police, firefighters, EMS (EMT, paramedics).

Inez Boyd Fountain: the fountain in the AHP pond/lake, named for former Bellevue Mayor, Inez Boyd.

Memorial March: the official kick-off fundraiser for the War on Terror Memorial. Freedom Running Company is hosting the 5K/10K/Half-marathon walk/run/ruck event on May 26th. Register now!

All routes start and finish in AHP. The 5K will go west up Mission Ave through Olde Towne, then u-turn near the top of the hill, and return to AHP. The 10K will continue through Offutt AFB's Bellevue Gate, then u-turn, and return to AHP. The half-marathon will continue through Offutt AFB and exit the East Gate, pick up the Keystone Trail, and return to AHP

Nature and History Trail: the 1.5-mile, well-shaded, mulched path at the far north end of AHP. Sometimes referred to as "Kramer Trail" (slang).

Phase 6: the AHP construction phase scheduled for September 2018 through May 2019. Phase 6 includes...

- Heroes' Plaza sidewalks

- Heroes' Plaza parking lot

- Nature and History Trail parking lot

- Paving the north end of the road (and cul de sac)

- Great Lawn sidewalks

- Connecting AHP and Haworth Park under the bridge via city utility vehicle access road and pedestrian sidewalk

- The War on Terror Memorial is outside the scope of, but scheduled to coincide with, Phase 6.

War on Terror Memorial: the memorial for which AHP Volunteers are currently raising funds. It will be built at the southwest end of Heroes' Plaza that...

- Memorializes Nebraska's sons and daughters who sacrificed their lives in the War on Terror

- Recognizes the sacrifices of Nebraska's War on Terror Gold Star Families

- Recognizes all US service members who serve or served in the War on Terror

9-11 Memorial: the memorial built and dedicated by the Kiwanis Club of Bellevue, that honors those lost on September 11th, 2001 in the World Trade Center, the Pentagon, and United Flight 93.

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